Sunday, March 1, 2020

Singing, Singing, and More Singing!

December 25, 2019

С Рождество́м! 
Merry Christmas friends and family! I love you all and I am so grateful for your examples, love and support. I hope that you all are having an incredible Christmas. As for me, we just finished the busiest, and most incredible Christmas day of my life! I cannot put into words how grateful I am to be serving here in Ukraine. Before I talk about some of the Christmas festivities that have occurred... I have news! I have a new companion! After our leadership meeting two weeks ago, our my mission president told us that a new Sister was coming that night and that Sister Olsen and I would train her! Her name is Sister Kekeena and she is from a city on the Eastern side of Ukraine. She is incredible and is already a great missionary. She does not know English very well so we speak in Russian 24/7. It has been the best language practice ever!

Christmas Breakfast
FYI: The weather here is strangely warm. No one can believe that there is no snow! I haven't had to wear my winter coat in a couple of weeks. Let's hope that it stays like that;)    

We have had a blast gathering with missionaries throughout our mission for zone conference and mid transfer training. I love hearing the guidance and council from my mission president and learning how to become a better, more Christ like missionary. I am grateful for the knowledge that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can all become better and come closer to Christ.

Last Sunday, we had our special sacrament meeting! It was absolutely beautiful. Four of our investigators attended and they loved celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ with us. After sacrament meeting, my district and I were asked to sing, "Carol of the Bells" in Ukrainian. We practiced SO MUCH and it paid off! Everyone absolutely loved it. I am not sure if we sounded the best, but everyone enjoyed our efforts:)

The District
Today is Christmas! We spent the morning with our district at a senior couples apartment, eating breakfast, discussing our favorite Christmas memories, and racing toy cars. The senior couples are THE BEST! We then sang carols with some youth outside in the rain. The youth wrote their testimonies in a whole bunch of Book of Mormons, wrapped them up, and handed them out to people passing by. The youth here in Ukraine are amazing and it was so impressive to see them talking to strangers about their love for Christ and the gospel. We then headed to center Kiev, where we were invited to join the youth in a special stake Christmas activity! We caroled in the metro with everyone! It was SO FUN! I have sang more this week then I have ever sang in my entire life.

 I am so grateful for this Christmas season. I miss my family and it was strange celebrating without them. I definitely had to skip the song, "I'll be home for Christmas" on our Christmas album;) But there is no where that I would rather be. The message that I have the opportunity to share everyday is so true. It is a message about how we can have true joy not only in this life but in the next. I know that Christ is my Savior. He is the greatest gift ever received. I know that through His atoning sacrifice, we will all receive salvation. 

Merry Christmas! My heart is so full of gratitude and love for all of you.

Sister Merrill <3

White Elephant Success

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