Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Her First Letter!

June 5, 2019

Hello Everyone!
My Companion, Sister Melendez and I

My first week at the Provo MTC (missionary training center) was a success! Only 76 weeks more to go;-) I absolutely love being here! It is so incredible living among over 1,300 other missionaries who are headed out to preach the gospel all over the world.
My companion is Cectpa (sister) Melendez. She is 26, from Minnesota, and is so sweet! We work really well together. The rest of my district members are great and we learn so much from each other.

Learning Russian has been so difficult but it is such a beautiful language!  Russian words run through my head alllll day. I have Russian class for 6 hours a day, 1 hour of exercise, and the rest of the day for meals and studying.
The MTC food is pretty rough. Peanut butter and bananas have become my new breakfast, lunch, and dinner;-)

The only time that I ever felt sad this week was when I discovered that I was replaced by a PUPPY. I was reading my Dad's email informing me of our new family member as I walked to our devotional about Elder Bednar's "Character of Christ" address and I started crying (HAHA so embarrassing). I felt so homesick. But then the coolest thing happened! The film was all about forgetting ourselves and becoming a true character of Christ. He said, "Quite worshiping yourself and start worshiping God". The film was exactly what I needed. Instead of pulling the "woah is meee" card, we must turn outwards and serve. Anyways, I can’t wait to meet Finley in about a year an a halfway:)

I love this gospel and the Book of Mormon. I know that it is true and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share the good news with all of our Ukrainian & Moldovan friends!
Thank you for the love and support! Feel free to write me anytime :)

Sister Merrill

We are exciteed!

Some Good Pals

My Cousin Rachel and I

My Replacement

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