Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Reporting To The MTC...Tears Were Shed

May 29, 2019

Jason and I were able to drive Maddie to the Provo Missionary Training Center where she will be taught the Russian language and will learn how to be an effective missionary for the next 9 weeks.  The morning she was to enter the MTC, she was stoic!  Eager and excited!  We were less impressive...tears fell.  It was hard to say goodbye, but it helped to know she was so ready and excited to be there.  We later learned she bumped into her cousin, Rachel, right after leaving us.  She is blessed to have so many familiar faces on the inside.

See you in 18 months!

...and just like that she danced into her new and exciting adventure!  She is going to be amazing!

We went directly to a breeder and picked up a puppy...because saying goodbye to her for 18 months was one of the hardest and most bittersweet things we have ever done!  Maddie is courageous, compassionate, funny, faithful, adventurous, a tad mischievous, loyal and hard working.  Irreplaceable!  We know we will feel her absence in our home (and are probably hoping to mask that with our new furry friend).  We will miss her and will look forward to her weekly emails and calls while she serves in the Ukraine!

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