Monday, December 9, 2019


November 10, 2019


Happy November! 
I do not have a lot of time to write, so I am just going to express my gratitude for some things here in Ukraine:) Each point correlates with photos below from this past week. 

1. I am grateful for kind Ukrainians who teach me how to cook! We go over to Tanya's home every week and she teaches us how to cook traditional Ukrainian dishes while we share a spiritual thought. This week, we learned how to cook Plov! It is a rice pilaf type dish. Tears were shed because I just had such a great time... and because the onions were SO strong;)

2. I am grateful for investigators who take us to their children's dance rehearsals! It was such a cool experience! We watched an incredible performance of the traditional Ukrainian dances. The father asked us if the "cowboy dance" was our traditional American dance. I am also grateful that I learned the "Hoedown Throwdown" from "Hannah Montana the Musical" in 2nd grade so that I could show my friends the REAL traditional American dance. 

3 and 4. I am grateful for the beauty of Kiev! On Mondays we get to explore the city and we got to go visit the Lavra last week. We went under the Lavra into the caves and saw where important members of the Orthodox monastery who have died are kept there. It was really interesting. 

5. This is just a video of me jumping into leaves because I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE A MISSIONARY! I love sharing the gospel with the people of Ukraine. The gospel is true and through following the example of Jesus Christ we can have everlasting joy and peace. 

I love you all!

Sister Merrill

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