Thursday, July 4, 2019

TomAto, tomato, “together”, “death” :-)

July 3, 2019

Hi everyone! 

This week I hit my one month mark! I have loved my time here at the MTC but I am so excited to head to Ukraine/Moldova in four weeks:) 

The Russian langauage is getting really difficult.. We are learning about cases and it is just so so so hard to conjugate the verbs, figure out if it is perfective or imperfective, and then add the cases to each word. Every sentence is like a crazy, wild puzzle but I really enjoy speaking it. Right now there are only 18 Russian speaking missionaries at the MTC but next week 42 Russian speakers come! Crazy stuff...

Language mistake of the week: for some reason, I always mix up the work death (cмерт) with other words that sound similar. So I was teaching a task practice to my district and instead of saying "together!" (Вместе) I said "death!". Anyways... just quirky Cectpa Merrill things!

Also, my zone gets really competitive in volleyball and it so fun. We are already planning our intramural team for when we come home;) 

Yesterday, we had a devotional with a member of the seventy and he told us how powerful a simple testimony is. In lessons, I have felt the power of expressing what I know in my broken Russian and I can feel the spirit so strong. I know that I will just need to have the courage to open my mouth and the Lord will justify my words. 

I love you all so much! I hope you have a great 4th of July!

Сестра мэрэл

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